
There has not been a lot of work here at TransX. I couldn't keep myself entertained without completely neglecting my duties. There is always someone coming by the front and there are other potential hires coming into the front door as well. There has been lots of people looking for a job here. 

I have been rushing into finishing all of my duties even before noon. It might be a plus for me, but I would really like to know what the other employees here thinks. I do finish all my duties. I like to go online to shop and check other websites out. I really think I should be finding things to do here. 

I finished putting all of the orders that Holly and I have made couple days ago. There really aren't that many products in the large three boxes that I was left with. Two large boxes were Kleenex and wet wipes. The last large box contained all the small stationary items that we really needed, like batteries. There are simply too many stationaries and office supplies in the storage room. 

I threw the jumble of supplies into random empty spaces that I could find in that stuffed storage room. I got too self-conscious after realizing how loud I was ripping the boxes open near the front door. 


It has been two days since Stefano has left to Jasper to go hiking with his family. It has been two nights since I have seen him. I think I really do miss his presence and I already miss talking to him. I cannot make any calls or send messages since there is no signal in the middle of the valley. 

I have to attend the Young Adults group event this evening, and I could not step up to contribute among the group by signing up to bring something. I could have brought a grill or some sort, or even some snacks for the group, but I haven't said anything in the group chat. I think I will still bring something to the group. 


I thought about bringing my own keyboard here at work. I do not like the keyboard here. 

This reminds me of the old keyboard that my dad lent me back when I was in Grande Prairie. The keys aren't that sensitive and it doesn't register the pressure that I add to the keys and I can't enter proper numbers or words from time to time. I might need to add more pressure when typing, but I think I would rather get a new keyboard. 

I also don't like the spread of the keys on this keyboard. I am used to typing on a smaller sized keyboard on a laptop, so I often press the wrong letters when typing. 

I like the one Stefano has, I would like to buy a good keyboard when I get a chance. I think I need to buy two if I have to. I would need one for the new computer that Stefano has bought from Jenkin.  


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